your one source for natural live aquarium ocean saltwater.

Learn how to improve your fish water quality by reading below:


Live Fish Tank Water is Important: Maintaining good water quality in the past use to be a difficult task to do when caring for your saltwater aquarium, but with Nutri-SeaWater’s patented technology of today, it makes the up keep of the water quality for your aquatic live pets much easier. Nature’s Ocean® Live Nutri-SeaWater® contains LIVE, naturally-occurring planktonic bacteria, which makes it the best product for monthly water changes. Nutri-SeaWater® can immediately remove biologic waste products that have built up in the aquarium environment, and because it contains LIVE nitrifying bacteria, it can rapidly reduce the generation of new waste products. It is very important in the maintenance of a marine aquarium that the environment be replenished regularly.  The best way to do this is to change 15% to 20% of the water once a month. Nutri-SeaWater® contains all the essential elements and micronutrients required by fish, coral and invertebrates that inhabit your aquarium. 

For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®


Take a look at some pictures of who uses Nutri-Seawater below:

For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®

For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®


Great For Stingray Aquariums
For Better Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater's Live Fish Tank Water

Characteristics of Nature's Ocean® Nutri-Seawater:
Nutri-SeaWater® is Naturally Filtered and does not remove or modify what Mother Nature intended. Nutri-SeaWater® is 100% Natural LiveOcean Seawater® that reduces the need for additional saltwater treatment products. Nutri-SeaWater® replaces missing natural LIVE marine bacteria, trace elements and critical nutrients

Recommended Uses:
Nutri-SeaWater® can be added to existing Synthetic Saltwater Aquariums to provide the missing natural Live heterotrophic marine bacteria, natural trace elements and natural critical nutrients needed "For a Healthier Aquarium"®.

More information on improving your aquarium's fish water quality


For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®


Great For Salt Water Reef Tanks
For Better Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater's Live Fish Tank Water

Characteristics of Nature's Ocean® Nutri-Seawater:
Nutri-SeaWater® is Naturally Filtered and does not remove or modify what Mother Nature intended. Nutri-SeaWater® is 100% Natural LiveOcean SeaWater® that reduces the need for additional saltwater treatment products. Nutri-SeaWater® replaces missing natural LIVE marine bacteria, trace elements and critical nutrients

Recommended Uses:
Nutri-SeaWater® can be added to existing Synthetic Saltwater Aquariums to provide the missing natural Live heterotrophic marine bacteria, natural trace elements and natural critical nutrients needed "For a Healthier Aquarium"®.

More information on improving your aquarium's fish water quality


For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®


Great For Exotic Fish Aquariums
For Better Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater's Live Fish Tank Water

Characteristics of Nature's Ocean® Nutri-SeaWater:
Nutri-SeaWater® is Naturally Filtered and does not remove or modify what Mother Nature intended. Nutri-SeaWater® is 100% Natural LiveOcean Seawater® that reduces the need for additional saltwater treatment products. Nutri-SeaWater® replaces missing natural LIVE marine bacteria, trace elements and critical nutrients

Recommended Uses:
Nutri-SeaWater® can be added to existing Synthetic Saltwater Aquariums to provide the missing natural Live heterotrophic marine bacteria, natural trace elements and natural critical nutrients needed "For a Healthier Aquarium"®.

More information on improving your aquarium's fish water quality

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Fish Water Quality can be Improved:
Improve the water quality and clarity of your aquarium by using Nutri-SeaWater® today. Having clearer aquarium water is very important, not only does it enhance the beauty of your fish and tank back ground but with Nutri-SeaWater’s® filtered water, expect the health of your aquatic pets to improve significantly.
Every marine aquarist who wishes to set up a natural biological filter to help improve their water clarity and quality will use Nature’s Ocean® Nutri-SeaWater® alongside Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite Live Sand or Reef Substrates. It is also used by saltwater fish farms, saltwater shrimp farms and saltwater lobster farms.
Many years of research have gone into the development of the Nutri-Seawater® naturally filtered ocean water technology. For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®


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For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®


Naturally Filtered Ocean Saltwater
For Better Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater's Live Fish Tank Water

Some Benefits of Nature's Ocean® Nutri-SeaWater:
One of the great benefits of Nutri-Seawater is that it is Instant Cycling® . You don’t need to wait days for the tank water to cycle before adding your fish.  One can add their fish the same day to their tank once the Nutri-SeaWater® has been added.

Another great benefit is that Nutri-SeaWater is Naturally Filtered® and remains in its natural state making it the ideal replacement for pumped Ocean saltwater. Pumped Ocean saltwater is not controlled so it can be full of pollutants and parasites if it is not properly filtered.

More information on improving your aquarium's fish water quality


For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®


Why You Need Nutri-Seawater®?
For Better Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater's Live Fish Tank Water

A Major Benefit of Nature's Ocean® Nutri-Seawater:
Bacteria are remarkably adept at surviving feast and famine, and are capable of adjusting their needs to accommodate highly diverse environments. Scientific inquiry has discovered a number of the microbial characteristics that facilitate bacteria's agile adaptations to changing environments.  We have investigated this phenomenon and invented new, patented methodology to preserve live bacteria in the marine environment – QX-23®.  As soon as it is added to your aquarium, Nutri-SeaWater® fortified with QX-23 keeps the planktonic bacteria alive, primed and ready to remove harmful metabolic end products and restore essential elements and micronutrients to optimum levels. 

More information on improving your aquarium's fish water quality


For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®


Where To Get Nutri-Seawater®?
For Better Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater's Live Fish Tank Water

NutriSeaWater can be purchased at your local pet store.  Please go to our retail supplier link to find a store near you

Characteristics of Nature's Ocean® Nutri-SeaWater:

Nutri-Seawater® is Naturally Filtered and does not remove or modify what Mother Nature intended. Nutri-SeaWater® is 100% Natural LiveOcean Seawater® that reduces the need for additional saltwater treatment products. Nutri-SeaWater® replaces missing natural LIVE marine bacteria, trace elements and critical nutrients

Recommended Uses:

Nutri-SeaWater® can be added to existing Synthetic Saltwater Aquariums to provide the missing natural Live heterotrophic marine bacteria, natural trace elements and natural critical nutrients needed "For a Healthier Aquarium"®.

More information on improving your aquarium's fish water quality

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  Fish Water Quality can be helped:
To help new aquarium setups to achieve Instant Cycling® use Nature’s Ocean® Nutri-SeaWater® along with Bio-Activ Live® Aragonite Reef Sand or Substrate to provide the perfect start. 
There are many other benefits for using aquarium sand especially for aquariums. Most fish prefer our sand as their environment substrate, and some actually require it to feel at ease and for natural spawning behavior. Some fish use sand to help with their digestion. Our aquarium sand also has a very nice, smooth look and it is fun to watch the fish play in the sand that they enjoy so much. Aquarium sand is perfect for soft belly fish like sharks and stingrays. If you have sand sifters like Brittle Starfish, Serpent Starfish, Sea Cucumbers and other detritivores look for our live sands, which is used to remove toxic wastes from saltwater aquarium tanks. Live sand helps speed the natural nitrogen cycle of aquariums thereby allowing faster introduction of livestock.

For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nutri-SeaWater®
  For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nature's OceanŽ Live Sand
Take a look at some of our popular aquarium sands below:

For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nature's OceanŽ Live Sand


Instant Cylcing®
For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nature's Ocean® Live Sand

Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite Live Sand is naturally derived from the ocean.  Its Live Sand formula has a reputation for eliminating the final traces of nitrates.  It is used to remove toxic wastes from saltwater aquarium tanks. Live sand helps speed the natural nitrogen cycle of aquariums thereby allowing faster introduction of livestock.

Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite Live Sand is preferred by saltwater aquarists as a natural biological filtration source, but can be used for many other purposes such as adding it to a tank as a shallow or deep sand bed to using it in combination with live rocks and aquarium plants. Use a minimum of 1lb Bio-Activ Live Aragonite Live Sand per gallon of saltwater.  Set up an appropriate filtering system and allow it to circulate. 

More information on improving your aquarium's fish water quality


For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nature's OceanŽ Live Sand


Nature's Ocean® Bio-Activ LiveAragonite Natural White #1
For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nature's Ocean® Live Sand

Characteristics of Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite Live Sand
Instantly starts the cycling process to help stabilize your aquarium. Maintains proper ph levels. Reduces harmful nitrate. Provides refuge for those fish that bury in the substrate and invertebrates that hide and reproduce in the sand· 
The light color of the sand reflects light off the aquarium bottom and makes the tank look brighter.

For best results use NutriSeawater®
Just place in tank, add our NutriSeawater® then add fish, no waiting required. Perfect for most applications (except undergravel filters)

More information on improving your aquarium's fish water quality


For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nature's OceanŽ Live Sand


Nature's Ocean® Bio-Activ LiveAragonite Black Beach
For Better Fish Water Quality Use Nature's Ocean® Live Sand

Characteristics of Nature’s Ocean® Bio-Activ Live™ Aragonite Live Sand
Instantly starts the cycling process to help stabilize your aquarium. Maintains proper ph levels. Reduces harmful nitrate. Provides refuge for those fish that bury in the substrate and invertebrates that hide and reproduce in the sand· 

The natural dark shade of black beach sand reduces the amount of light that is reflected back into the aquarium.  The algae strains that are dependent on light for growth will have less of a food source therefore will be slower in growing.

For best results use NutriSeawater®
Just place in tank, add our NutriSeawater® then add fish, no waiting required. Perfect for most applications (except undergravel filters)

More information on improving your aquarium's fish water quality

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The Ultimate In Aquarium Live Gravel, Sand, Substrates And Aquarium Live Water
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